Rabu, 08 April 2015

ak in the news flaming bears

The US Houses committee on energy independence and global warming took testimony today on the link between forest fires and climate change. In a news release, the committee claimed a victory over Bushs much-reported "censoring" of the head of the CDC on climate change and health. The head of the forest service said (pretty much) what she was going to say about wild fires: "I think we can demonstrate higher severity, larger fires and certainly over the last seven-eight years more frequent fires and a longer fire season."
The Christian Science Monitor had a good story on the link.
Also, the ADN had this story on Gov. Palins opposition to listing polar bears as threatened.
When the last governor, Murkowski, opposed it, he clearly expressed concerns about impacts on development. Palin has been less explicit about why shes so opposed. Ill ask.
Also, theres this from the ADN, which was news to me:
The Associated Press reports that three Alaska mayors are attending a two-day summit in Seattle on local efforts to reduce carbon emissions and global warming: Mark Begich of Anchorage, James C. Hornaday of Homer and Bruce Bothelo of Juneau. Headlining the event today and tomorrow: former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

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