Sabtu, 18 April 2015

Barn Hop 7

Monday! And its Barn Hop Day! Let me reassure you that one does not need to have a barn to participate. In fact, this is an opportune time for me to insert that we need a barn at our own homestead (for dairy animals) and any prayer on that subject would be greatly appreciated! But back to the Barn Hop... we want everyone who enjoys homesteading and has a heart for it to help cultivate the homestead community by linking up with whats happening at your place.

Jill @ The Prairie Homestead
Kendra @ New Life on a Homestead
Megan @ A Blossoming Homestead
and Me!

To participate, write a post on a homesteading related topic and link it below! Tell us what youre learning, what youre doing, or something that we can all benefit from as homesteaders. And then spend a little time this week checking out other great homesteads - and there are lots of friends with some great things going on! 

week, I caught a couple of cute photos of the dogs. Remember this cute mug last summer?

Yeah. Millie is our newest Golden and quite a gal. As a little puppy she love mud. Then it was chewing. Oh, my. The chewing! But seems shes tapering off and becoming a bit more mellow. (I said a bit!) Here she is now at nearly a year...

And here is Belle. Our 10 year old Golden. Such a sweetie! Shes so protective and good to all the animals here.

We had our first couple of days of warm weather this week. Seems like we went from snow to summer almost over night. How in the world did all that grass grow so fast? I cut a couple of homeschool days short so the girls could play outside. You can see they were quite productive building a temporary fort by the creek - which has running water for the first time in years!

I think you can only appreciate this little bitty bit of water if you live where its dry almost all year long. Normally we get 10" of rain a year. Were at 20" already! Yahoo!! However, this will most likely mean a big fire season with lots of wildfires. It doesnt look like the grass is tall here in these pictures, but just a little sun and it will go wild. Then, when the rain finally stops, all this grass thats growing tall will dry out and be a fire hazard. Obviously, well keep it cut around the buildings - a requirement by the fire departments. But out in the wild, it just keeps growing.

We finally made our soap this week and what a great time! Four members of our local homesteading community group got together Saturday and made some goat milk soap and enjoyed a great time sharing about all things homesteading! 

Did you catch that... my new apron? Love it! (I really didnt plan on my rubber gloves matching but then again, any true Southern Belle wouldnt be caught with rubber gloves that clash with her apron!)

was only my second time to make soap and having a local homesteading community to help was not only fun, but extremely helpful! We had a wonderful time fellowshipping and sharing information on everything from chickens to goats to gardens and on and on... it really was a great afternoon!

Enough about me! Lets here from you!!

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