Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015
Clipping Chicken Wings
Hen Hilton Update: Weve dug a trench and will be adding electricity this weekend if the weather holds out! |
I would just raise the height of the fence, but the cost outweighs the benefits when I could clip the wings for free. I have some extra chicken wire, so I plan to reinforce the existing wire fencing material on the backside of the chicken yard as well. And in the meantime, I also sprayed some Repels-All on the grass outside the run on the back side of the fence. Its suppose to repel dogs, so I figure it should help with coyotes, too. After all, this is war and Ive got to use everything I have in my arsenal.
To clip the wings, have someone hold the bird while you gently stretch out her wing. The longer primary feathers are the ones were going to cut which are just below the shorter feathers.
Were not cutting all the way across which would be into the secondary feathers, but rather the first few in the front portion of the wing. Be sure to use sharp scissors or sheers. I clipped one wing on each of six birds and my shears got dull fairly quickly (so dont be using your good quilting scissors or anything!).
Most of the hens behaved very nicely and didnt fidget too much, but theres always one that thinks youre going to hurt it. I only clipped one wing on each because it causes their flight to be uneven and throws them off a bit. When they molt, Ill need to watch to make sure that these shorter cut feathers come out and the new ones grow in. If they start flying again next year, Ill have to repeat the process.
Backyard Chickens has a graphic and more photos if youd like some additional help knowing how to do this properly, but as long as you dont cut into the bone on the wing which is higher up and you dont go crazy cutting a lot of feathers, youre going to do fine.
Can you tell she got a trim in the before and after pictures here? Below is the hen before. Notice the longer lighter colored feathers on her wing? They just happen to be showing in this picture, but usually theyre not even visible because the hens keep the primary feathers pulled in and tucked under.
And after? Not a great photo, but you wouldnt know her feathers had been clipped unless you lifted her wing up and out. I was really worried theyd look maimed, but its not too bad after all.
If you chickens free-range without protection, I wouldnt suggest clipping their wings so that they could fly up into a tree if they need to. But for the hens that are in enclosures, this may be the ticket to keep them at home. Already the worst culprit that was still alive was staying in the yard, so I think we may have found a good solution. No one wants to lose a good chicken to a predator.
Please share if youve had success with clipping wings to keep chickens from flying out of their enclosures.

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